Alhamdulillah.. luar biasa! Akhirnya blog saya berhasil nongkrong di peringkat teratas hasil pencarian untuk kata kunci mengembalikan jati diri bangsa. Hasil ini saya dapatkan hari ini saat saya menulis artikel ini.
Baca selengkapnya ยปHoree... Nomor Satu!!
Adzab, Cobaan atau malah Anugerah?
Biasanya apabila terjadi sesuatu yang kurang baik, kita selalu menamakannya sebagai adzab atau cobaan. Dan bila terjadi sesuatu yang baik, kita menganggapnya anugerah atau rahmat tapi inipun termasuk cobaan juga.
Jadi, sesuatu yang terjadi pada kita itu apa? Dan bagaimanakah cara mengenalinya?
Jika saya yang ditanya, maka saya akan menjawab tergantung bagaimana anda melihatnya. Sesuatu yang buruk, belum tentu bencana. Tapi sesuatu yang baik juga belum tentu rahmat. Bahkan saya berani bilang kalau apapun yang terjadi pada diri kita, keluarga kita, bangsa kita dan umat manusia adalah sebuah kebaikan yang diberikan Allah pada kita.
Baca selengkapnya di Adzab, cobaan atau anugerah?
Alhamdulillah Nomor 2
Setelah sempat hilang dan terpuruk di halaman 3 hasil pencarian google untuk kata kunci mengembalikan jati diri bangsa, sekarang Lutvi Avandi berhasil maju ke urutan nomor 2 kata kunci tersebut.
Sebuah hasil yang cukup menggembirakan, apalagi jika melihat pesaing tingkat pertamanya hanya sebuah blog dari blogspot. Tapi meski begitu, lutvi tidak boleh lengah. Harus tetap fokus mengoptimalkan situs agar hasil pencarian nomor 1 bisa direbut kembali.
Memang kemarin ada pelajaran sangat berharga terkait dengan hilangnya dari halaman pertama. Ketika upgrade WordPress, rupanya privacy blognya berubah menjadi disallow all. Alias blog memblokir semua robot search engine.
Masih untung bisa nongol di halaman 3, biasanya sih udah lenyap tak berbekas. Jadi sekarang musti ekstra hati-hati. Persaingan kian tajam, kemampuan gerak harus ditingkatkan
Start Your Own Blog Now
As a man that known as master, I ever been ask by them. What is a first step to online business? With serious answer, I suggest them to have a blog or website if they want to start online business. I ask them to build a blog and start fill it.
Next, he asks again, what his should fill in his blog. I ask them to fill with anything theme. He asks again, can you give an example? I ask him to write about me. He laughs and asks again. He is asking repeatedly. Someday I meet him again and he asks the same question.
Have a blog condition is very simple suggest. Even for a newbie. However, the truth is there is only few newbie have their own blog filled with their own write. Blog filled by their writing and not duplicated from other source. Have a writing technique is important value in online business. If you are a master in duplicate only, then your carrier in online business is a step to fall away.
So start obeying my suggestion. Write your own blog. Your really blog. Your article writing with own hand. Blog that is you have fun with it.
Label: online business
Your Logfiles May Be Missing Important Data
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In this article I am going to explain logfiles and their importance in website analytics from my perspective as a ClickTracks user. Before I begin, however, I want you to know that although I provide essential analytic consulting, I am a certified ClickTracks Analytics Professional and have dabbled in books on analytics, I don't consider myself to be an analytics expert. In fact, I constantly find myself humbled by how much more there is to know. That said, I do know more than the average site owner and I hope that this article can shine a little light on this often confusing subject and save you some future headaches.
As many of you may know I am a huge fan of the logfile version of ClickTracks Professional, a website analytics package that I find indispensable for myself and my clientele. ClickTracks can do a lot to determine what is or is not working on a website; much more than expected in most cases. The one thing, however, that ClickTracks or any other logfile-based analytics tool cannot do is interpret information in your logfiles if it is not recorded. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence and many site owners have no idea that their hosting company is not saving information that could help them now or later when they find they need it.
Once this data is collected it is saved on the server in a logfile for later use and over time it is often overwritten with new data so the files do not get too large; they bulk up very quickly especially on high-traffic websites.
So What's the Issue?
If you have no interest in website analytics you may find this whole scenario to be a non-issue. I completely understand, however, put yourself a year or even a month down the road when your website is taking off and you need to know more about the visitors to your website. You just might find yourself in this same frustrating scenario and it will seem absolutely insane how hard you have to push to get this data properly collected.
If you are unsure of the answer or you need to set this up then please review the settings that need to be enabled on Apache servers or Microsoft Internet Information Servers; these pages include instructions if you need them. My Hosting Company Disregarded This as Nonsense I fully expect some will and that is because many website owners still care little or nothing about web site statistics so they have not even used the basic data to its fullest yet - and hosting companies are aware of this. In fact, a good fríend who owns a hosting company himself guessed around 95% of his website clients don't even look at their stats. This is all true, however, does that mean that important data should not be collected for those who do want to delve deeper into analytics? I don't believe so and the changes you are requesting will only raise the size of the logfiles for your website a small amount. Unless of course you don't even have logfiles which is enough for me to recommend you take your services elsewhere. Why Not Use Google Analytics Instead? Google Analytics is an awesome solution for many small businesses. It does not require logfiles and it takes a marginal amount of work to begin acquiring proper data. In fact, I think it is a great tool for the majority of businesses that want to wade into a mid range analytics solution providing you are comfortable with Google having access to your stats. That said, there is one MAJOR flaw in using Google Analytics... it does not have reliable click fraud reporting. You see many of my clients use ClickTracks to monitor their pay per click campaign for click fraud which is not something I would ever trust Google to police itself on. That does not mean I do not use Google Analytics. In fact, whenever possible I use both ClickTracks and Google Analytics in tandem for redundancy especially when certain capabilities such as cookie tracking are not available from a hosting provider - Google includes cookies by default. In Summary Many website owners have no idea what they will or will not need in the future to properly administrate their online marketíng campaigns. This article discusses a simple adjustment to the accumulation of website logfiles that I strongly believe all competent hosting companies should implement in order to provide scalability for their clientele. The adjustment will provide the additional information that a competent analytics solution will need to provide accurate statistics. About The Author Ross Dunn is the CEO and founder of StepForth Web Marketing Inc, a web marketing company founded in 1997 and based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. StepForth provides cutting-edge web marketing services that provide highly successful, targeted results for its clientele. Ross Dunn is a Certified Internet Marketing and Business Strategist (CIMBS) with a background in web design and online marketíng. His broad Internet experience in combination with a talented staff has made StepForth a name synonymous with top results.
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